Sonic Sanctuaries: Catalysts for an Inspired Life

Sonic Sanctuaries: Catalysts for an Inspired Life

Featuring Speaker Bruce Cryer, with music improvised and produced by Gary Malkin (2012)

“These meditations will help you remember essential values if you wish to be fully alive, balanced, and open to innovation in your professional and personal life.” – Jean Watson, PhD, RN, Founder, Watson Caring Science Institute

Through the evidenced-based modality of guided meditation, this spoken word and music track lovingly takes you on a journey where you can get out of your head, open your heart, and access your intuitive wisdom for more curiosity, humility, and receptivity to awaken new possibilities in all aspects of your life.

Music Improvised and Produced by Gary Malkin
Orchestrated by Gary Malkin and Dan Alvarez
Music Programmed, Engineered and Mixed by Dan Alvarez

Listen to a sample of the tracks

Total Time: 48:20


P.S.: This collection is only digitally downloadable. CDs are no longer provided. Please check your email for the songs’ downloadable files. Right-click on the file to save it to your computer, or click on the songs to enjoy the streaming music. 

Sonic Sanctuaries provide two generous guided medications designed to help your subconscious mind assimilate empowering and liberating messages so that you may flourish in your work, your relationships, and in all aspects of your life. Featuring Bruce Cryer, former CEO of HeartMath, along with the improvisational piano stylings from Emmy award-winning composer Gary Malkin, you can experience an infusion of inspiration in these evocative and soothing guided meditations where two foundational principles for inspired living are offered as an experiential inner journey.

The Power of Willingness, and The Power of Playfulness audio meditations offers you a portal into core qualities for enhancing emotional Intelligence – so that you can enhance your sense of happiness, fulfillment and success in life. Repeated listenings can deepen your willingness to grow, while remembering how not to take yourself too seriously, all through joyfully embracing your life in the spirit of Beginner’s Mind.

“The Power of Willingness”: 26:39

“Bruce and Gary encourage us to re-connect with our passion for our work so we could harness our core creative talents in the chaotic environment of the world today. Thank you both for helping us reconnect with the power and passion of caring!”~ Anne M. Foss-Durant, RN, MS, NP, MBA, Nursing Leader, Kaiser Permanente Northern California

“The Power of Playfulness”: 21:54

“Through the subliminal power of guided meditation, these aesthetically produced audio tracks of spoken word and customized music awakens that childlike innocence that allows us surrender to our ‘beginner’s mind”, to create more ‘flow’ in our lives with more ease and Grace.” Jean Watson, Watson Caring Science Institute