Spring Renewal: Piano Improvisations for Sacred Space

Spring Renewal: Piano Improvisations for Sacred Space

The Exhale Collection; Volume II
Sanctuaries for the Seasons of our Souls

(Gary Malkin, 2016)

Listen to a sample of the tracks

9 Tracks, Total Time: 56:21


P.S.: This collection is only digitally downloadable. CDs are no longer provided. Please check your email for the songs’ downloadable files. Right-click on the file to save it to your computer, or click on the songs to enjoy the streaming music. 

“Each of the Exhale Series CD’s is the fulfillment of a long held desire to musically explore the iconic energies of the seasons. As each of the volumes unfolded before me, I found an increased confidence and enthusiasm in this spacious style of improvisation, inspired by the energies of each of the seasons and a desire to aesthetically honor the people and landscapes I am inspired by.

This SpringRenewal recording issues forth more effusive energies, as if we can almost hear the shoots of new life courageously emerging, soon to blossom into spring’s cinematic colors. There’s a kind of optimism that comes through on this recording, as only can emerge with the coming of Spring.

During these busy, complex times, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stop and “smell the roses”. By playing with considerably more attention towards the spaces between the notes, I’ve found that music offers me an almost magical capacity to slow me down, helping me to breathe more fully, so that I might nourish my heart and soul with more mindfulness and compassion. Allowing myself to be moved in this way by the music that arises through me –and indeed by beauty herself – is becoming increasingly essential as I seek greater meaning and connection in my life so that I can remember what matters most and feel gratitude for the very preciousness of life.”

May you always be able to remember and experience the ever-free, ever-now morning of creation throughout all the seasons of your life.

“When I listen to Gary Malkin’s music, I’m reminded of the intimacy between the world of nature ‘out there’ and our own personal realms of imagination. Gary is the musical Hermes, the artist go-between, connecting our deepest selves to the vast world we live in. No service could be more important.”
-Thomas Moore, Bestselling Author of “Care of the Soul”

10% of the proceeds from the sale of this product goes to the orphans and foundation projects of Master Healer and Humanitarian, Dr. Pankaj Naram.
For more information, go to www.DrNaramFoundation.org