This weekend I flew to San Francisco with my wife to attend the 4th Soul Song event – and I can honestly say it was amazing.
Gary Malkin never ceases to inspire me, and his creation of this Soul Song experience was no exception.
The hall was packed with people, an incredible line-up of performers, all who came together to the experience the refuge of Soul Song.
One of my favorite moments was when Gary spoke about the challenge our nation was facing, and after a moment of silence we all sang together “America the Beautiful.” Something about the whole event felt like an incredibly cleansing process, I think all of us walked away feeling lighter and more inspired.
Below are a few pictures from the event – and I highly recommend you find your way to experience the next one!

Soul Song, November 5, 2016

Soul Song Opening

Gary Malkin with awesome sponsor of Soul Song, Sarah Brightwood

Gary Malkin with Jennifer Berezan after an amazing performance